temperature sensors in coal mines
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- temperature sensors in coal mines
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because of the dangers faced in coal mining systems. For example, in coal mines there is a danger of presence of highly toxic gases, and also the increase in temperature inside the coal mine could be a real threat, hence implementing a safety system for the coal mine workers as well as to protect the resources inside those mines.
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The use of sensors designed for gas detection in mines has developed from the miner's canary to infrared sensors. A Miner's Canary The canary (Serinus canaria) was commonly used by miners to alert them of the presence of toxic …
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The internal mechanism of how maceral and temperature control the mechanical properties of in situ coal has not been established so far. Therefore, this paper aims to discover the control mechanism of macerals and temperature on the mechanical properties of in situ coal. The improved equipment, a heatable triaxial compressor, is applied to obtain the coal …
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A wireless detection module of device temperature in coal mine based on the microcomputer MSP430 and the transceiver nRF905 was designed, the hardware structure of …
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B. Temperature Sensor In the proposed system thermistor is used as temperature sensor. The word thermistor is an acronym for thermal ... major toxic gases in underground coal mines. This sensor is composed by micro AL2O3 ceramic tube, Tin Dioxide (SnO2) sensitive layer, measuring electrode and heater are fixed into a crust made by plastic and ...
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Liquid nitrogen freeze–thaw has been used in oil, shale gas and coalbed methane exploitation as an efficient fracturing technology. This paper aimed to study the effect of different coal ranks and liquid nitrogen soaking times on the temperature distribution of coal samples, and to explore the temperature evolution mechanism of different coal ranks during liquid nitrogen …
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Coal and gas outbursts (hereinafter referred to as outbursts) in coal mines are complex dynamic phenomena characterized by a sudden and violent ejection of large amounts of coal and gas from the working face into a limited working space within a short time [1,2,3,4].The pulverized coal and gas flow induced by an outburst generates an enormous amount of energy …
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coal mine accident detection system is employed to rescue and protect the workers from the hazards. This system incorporates the combined action of the temperature, pressure and gas sensor and IOT module to detect the temperature, pressure and atmosphere in the coal mine and log every data onto the cloud using da ta logging.
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Coal is a kind of porous medium and a natural adsorbent (Yi et al. 2009; Pini et al. 2010).Under the conditions of coal seam temperature and gas pressure determined by the current mining depth, the adsorbed gas in the coal seam accounts for 80–90% of the gas content, while the free gas in the coal seam pores accounts for about 10–20% (Yu 2005).
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quickly. A gas sensor is made up of four pins, three of which are used. GND is connected to GND, and VCC is 3.3v. A0 is an analogue pin that is connected to the analogue pin of the Node MCU. This sensor is capable of detecting gas leaks in factories as well as combustible smoke. Fire sensor: This is the place to be. In coal mines, a fire sensor is
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The Queensland Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation (CMSHR, 2017,) sets out specific provisions for both surface and underground coal mines with respect to the management of heat. In summary: An underground coal mine's SHMS must provide for: ensuring the health of persons in places at the mine where the wet bulb temperature exceeds 27 ° C ...
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mounted methane monitors currently used in underground coal mines rely on catalytic heat of combustion sensors. As a comparison, although not currently approved for use on underground mining equipment, instruments with infrared sensors are evaluated in this study. Potential advantages of using infrared sensors
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The DOFTS system that has applied to temperature automatically alarm system of coal mine and tunnel has been researched. It is a real-time, on line and multi-point measurement system.
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A safer a more reliable monitoring solution for coal mining and coal seam gas applications Surveillance of pressure, temperature and deformation without impairing safety. Coal seam fire is a major concern for coal mining activities …
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Whereas, gas sensors can measure the available gas concentration in the targeted area of the underground coal mines. Key words: Underground mine fire, Fire indices, Fire ladder, Gas sensors. View ...
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temperature sensors in coal mines crusherasiatemperature sensors in coal mines Seminar Topics & Project …. Are you looking for temperature sensors in coal mines?See details of temperature&temperature sensors in coal mines
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In coal mines, the major emission is of methane. The methane released during and after mining operations is called Coal mine methane (CMM). In recent years, there have been many 83 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013 ISSN: 2278-0181 IJERTIJERT
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B. LM35 Temperature Sensor The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The LM35 thus has an advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated in ˚ Kelvin, as the user is not required to subtract a large constant
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DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-5987-4_34 Corpus ID: 245722571; Distributed FBG Temperature Sensor for Coal Mine Fire Detection @article{Parween2022DistributedFT, title={Distributed FBG Temperature Sensor for Coal Mine Fire Detection}, author={Sagupha Parween and Aruna Tripathy}, journal={ICT Systems and Sustainability}, year={2022} }
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In view of the problems of explosive, corrosion and accidents in underground coal mine production, this paper designs a monitoring system based on wireless sensor network, which can monitor the gas concentration, temperature and humidity parameters, and alarm when the parameters exceed the fixed value. Experiments show that the system is stable in …
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Environment monitoring in coal mines is an important application of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that has commercial potential. We discuss the design of a Structure-Aware Self-Adaptive WSN system, SASA. By regulating the mesh sensor network deployment and formulating a collaborative mechanism based on a regular beacon strategy, SASA is able ...
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Key Words: Gas sensor, Fire sensor, temperature sensor, Coal mine safety, ZigBee wireless sensor network. 1. INTRODUCTION In underground coal mines, generally helmets with minimal protection and LED lighting are used because of their light weight and power efficiency. Nowadays, with evolving VLSI
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Coal mine methane (CMM) which released generally during and after mining operations is the main reason for the explosion in coal mines 1,2.Coal mining is considered much more hazardous than hard ...
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Coal and gas outbursts are among the most severe disasters threatening the safety of coal mines around the world. They are dynamic phenomena characterized by large quantities of coal and gas ejected from working faces within a short time. Numerous researchers have conducted studies on outburst prediction, and a variety of indices have been developed to this …
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2) A coal mine system which replaces the traditional coal mine monitoring system which tend to be wired network system. 3) The underground system also collects temperature, humidity of coal mine through sensor nodes in mine. 3. Block Diagram Fig 3.1 Block diagram of sending and receiving end of Module
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Gas Sensor C. Temperature Sensor The LM35 shown in figure 4 has arrangement of exactness coordinated circuit temperature sensors have a yield voltage that is directly relative to the temperature in Celsius (Centigrade). The Sensor is more precise than a thermistor at measuring temperature. The sensor circuitry is sealed and not
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The most important aspect of the mining workers Act is providing reliable communication for miners accidents. Reliable communication has always been a challenge in underground mines due to changing topologies and environment. Its mainly detect the human heart beat by using the temperature sensor.
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In this study, the coal temperature during the outburst process was monitored using temperature sensors. The results show that the coal temperature decreased rapidly as the outburst progressed. Meanwhile, the coal temperature in locations far from the outburst mouth increased. The coal broken in the stress concentration state is the main factor ...
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Keywords: Raspberry pi, Gas Sensor, Humidity Sensor, LDR, Temperature Sensor, MEMS sensor, IoT. I.INTRODUCTION: Traditional coal mine monitoring systems tend to be wired network systems, which play an important role in coal mine safe production. This system controls the ventilation demand to mine workers depending upon
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IOT Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System Prof. A. H. Ansari, Karishma Shaikh, Pooja Kadu, Nikam Rishikesh ... integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is ...
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