latest amendment in coal mines provident
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- latest amendment in coal mines provident
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Coal Mine Amendment Latest Breaking News, Pictures, Videos, and Special Reports from The Economic Times. Coal Mine Amendment Blogs, Comments and Archive News on Economictimes
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COAL MINES PROVIDENT FUND AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (AMENDMENT) ACT 1996 THE COAL MINES PROVIDENT FUND AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1996. ACT NO. 23 OF 1996 [13th August, 1996.] BE it enacted by Parliament in the Forty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:- An Act …
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Amendment Act 45 of 1965-Statement of Objects and Reasons. -The Coal Mines Provident Fund and Bonus Schemes Act, 1948, makes provision for the framing of Provident Fund and Bonus Schemes for persons employed in coal mines. The number of subscribers under the schemes is more than four lakhs. The accumulations in the Fund invested in the Central ...
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Coal Mines Provident fund (Employees' Recruitment) Amendment Rules, 2003 Oilfields (Regulation & Development) Act, 1948 1 Petroleum And Natural Gas (Safety In Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008
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6. The Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation. 7. The Coal Mines Welfare Organisation. 8. Administration of the Coal Minea Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1948 (46 of 1948) . 9. Administration of the Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1947 (32 of 1947). 10. Rules under the Mines Aot, 1952 (32 of 1952) for the levy and ...
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COAL INDIA LTD. - Amendment Of Coal Mines Provident Fund Scheme,1948 And Coal Mines Pension Scheme, 1948 For Increase In Pension Contribution @ Rs.10 Per Tonne Of Coal Production - Rediff MoneyWiz, the personal finance service from Rediff equips the user with tools and information in the form of graphs, charts, expert advice, and more to stay up-to …
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The previous amendment was made in 2016 when the tax-deductibility of contributions was aligned, and it makes sense to further align retirement funds. REMAINING DIFFERENCE Currently the most notable remaining difference between provident & …
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the coal mines provident fund and miscellaneous provisions act, 1948 the first schedule (see section 3) matters to be provided for in the coal mines provident fund scheme 1. The employees or class of employees who shall join the Fund, the contributions payable to the Fund and the conditions under which an employee may be exempted from joining ...
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3 THE COAL MINES PROVIDENT FUND AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ACT, 1948 A CT N O. 46 OF 1948 [3rd September, 1948.] An Act to make provisions for the framing of a Provident Fund Scheme 1[, a 2[Pension Scheme]] 3[, a Deposit linked Insurance Scheme] and a Bonus Scheme for persons employed in Coal Mines.
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Section -1 Short title and commencement. (1) This Act may be called the Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions (Amendment)Act, 1996, (2) It shall come INTO force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint, Section -2 Amendment of long title of Act 46 of 1948.
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Coal Mines Provident Find Organisation Latest Breaking News, Pictures, Videos, and Special Reports from The Economic Times. Coal Mines Provident Find Organisation Blogs, Comments and Archive News on Economictimes
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Separate Provident fund legislation exists for workers employed in Coal Mines and Tea Plantations in the State of Assam and for seamen. New Initiatives – The various Central Acts on Social Security have been examined in the light of the recommendations of the 2nd National Commission on Labour.
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5. Gazette Notification regarding minimum assurance benefit of Rs. 2.50 lakh under EDLI Scheme, 1976. Download (1.65 ) 6. Notifications for amendment under EPF, EPS and EDLI Schemes for e-Payment. Download (633.74 KB) 7. Notification for insertion of para 68BD (group housing provisions for EPF subscribers) in EPF Scheme, 1952.
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The Union government is ready with an amendment bill, as per which corporate giants who had successfully bid for coal blocks after the sector was opened up for commercial mining by private players last year, can bypass …
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Ministry of Coal. G.S.R. 553(E). - In pursuance of sub-section (5) of section 3C of the Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948 (46 of 1948) and in supersession of the Coal Mines Provident Fund (Employees Recruitment) Rules, 1982, so far as they relate to the post of Senior Stenographer, Junior Stenographer and Personal Assistant, …
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Ministry of Coal, Government of India in exercise of power under Section 3E of Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948 and in supersession of the Coal Mines Family Pension Scheme, 1971 notified a Family Coal Mines Pension Scheme, 1998 dated 05.03.1998. Late husband of the appellant did not opt for the pension Scheme
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With the outset of a new era in the Indian coal and mining sector, the Parliament passed the Mineral Laws (Amendment) Act, 2020 which amends the previous Mines & Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 and the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015. These acts form the basic framework to regulate the mining sector in India; they ...
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Services by Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation to persons governed by the Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948 (46 of 1948). Nil. Nil. 31B. Heading 9971 or Heading 9991. Services by National Pension System (NPS) Trust to its members against consideration in the form of administrative fee. Nil. Nil";
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THE COAL MINES PROVIDENT FUND AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (AMENDMENT) ACT 1996 in India Bare Acts, Banking and Insurance, Business and Corporate, Constitutional, Consumer Laws, Criminal Law, Energy, Environmental, Family and Inheritance, Heritage and National Importance, Immigration Law, Labor Law, THE COAL MINES PROVIDENT FUND …
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coal mines provident fund scheme 1948; coal mines deposite linked insurance scheme 1976; policies. hyperlinking policy; privacy policy; terms & conditons; product and pricing policy; refund and cancellation policy ; support; for employees; cmpf,india; corporate profile; operation; meet cmpf commissioner; apr of group a officer; e-services ...
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Amendment Act 23 of 1996-Statement of Objects and Reasons. -The Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948 (46 of 1948) provides for the framing of a Provident Fund Scheme, a Family Pension Scheme, a Deposit-linked Insurance Scheme and a Bonus Scheme for persons employed in coal mines. The Act presently applies to about ...
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Coal Mines Provident Fund Nominations Form A Amendments in CIL's Policy for availing the services of retired CMDs/ Directors/ Sr.level Executives, etc. as full time/ part time Advisors Amendments in the Scheme for imparting practical training to Final Qualified Students of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)
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Manual, Rules and RTI. 1. Notification of Public Information Officer of ECL. Mode of Payment for Seeking Information. 2. ECL Manuals. Form of Application for Seeking Information. Uniform Policy for Dispsoal of Scrap.
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Coal Mines Provident Fund, vs J Lala & Sons on 13, This appeal by special leave turns on the question whether the Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner is to hear an employer before making an order requiring the employer to pay damages under section 10F of the Coal Mines Provident Fund and,...
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13011/1/2017-CBA2-Part (1) 27/02/2018. 22. Methodology to provide the coal block allottee PSUs of Power Sector with some flexibility in utilization of coal extracted from the coal mines allotted for optimum utilization of coal mine for the same end uses in …
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The Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation has been entrusted with the responsibility of administering the Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1948 and different schemes framed there under. It is an autonomous organisation governed by a Board of Trustees and functions under the overall supervision of Ministry of Coal ...
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